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Equipping Church Leaders WorldWide to Study, Disciple, Lead, and Teach
until Christ returns.
Bible translation status as of Oct 2018
Complete Bibles 683,
New Testaments +1534
Portions of the Bible 1133
= 3350 languages with some scripture
it can be more challenging to exegete the Bible because it’s literature from a different historical-cultural context. You can accidentally read your ideas into the Bible rather than draw out what the author originally intended.
Andy Naselli @ Logos.com
How important is rightly dividing Gods Word? Christianity is based on an accurate interpretation of the word. Since the reformation followers of Christ have accepted that accurately interpreting and studying the Bible incorporates having a dialogue, either written or spoken on the word from its historical, cultural and linguistic foundations.
Cameron Townsend believed that translating the Bible in the heart language of the people was one of the greatest evangelistic tools. At that time very few languages had the Bible in their own language. Now it is nearly 700 translations. Equipping pastors and church leaders to to study the Bible are the greatest tool for fighting heresies and cults.
If we were to just read the Bible in a vacuum with no other knowledge of its cultural, historical, or linguistic knowledge we would have interpret the Bible that are incorrect. We must come to the realization heresies don't come from knowledge and study but from ignorance of the Bible, wise discussion on the linguistic, cultural and historical foundation of the Bible only strengthens the church and never weakens the church.
The Bible is one of Gods primary modes of transforming His people into His church, it is simplistic and deep at the same time. Because of our fallen nature on our own, we will always impose our own culture, our own linguistic knowledge, and our own history. This is called eisegesis.
Cults are started through eisegesis, they interpret the Bible from what they understand it to be from what feels "right" to them. God did not give us His words as mere parables though. The old eastern and western churches argue that it's not just the interpreted word that counts but also tradition. Satan tries to use eisegesis to weaken the church, but we must interpret the church from its history, cultures, and languages.
Andy Naselli at Logos says, "it can be more challenging to exegete the Bible because it’s literature from a different historical-cultural context. You can accidentally read[eisegesis] your ideas into the Bible rather than draw out what the author originally intended. "
Without intent and outside corrective force we will naturally drift, and drift is not to Christ but away. That is what our old man desires, and what Satan does as well. This outside force is the Holy Spirit working in us and using His word properly understood in our lives. He has sent the spirit to instruct us, but he has also sent our leaders to lead us, they deserve the very best tools and training possible to do that.
Andy Naselli @ https://blog.logos.com/2017/03/what-is-exegesis/
There are nearly 700 languages with the complete Bible. We will look at starting with recruiting people in an area that has had the gospel and a church for quite some time that the people are already organized. This will be after significant prayer and research.
Partnerships are critical to the success of ResourceWord so this will always be in partnership with other organizations.
For many people they perceive the best option is to translate western resources for minority languages. Another is to develop a very basic multicultural commentary and allow the language groups to translate it.
Our goal is to cast a vision, equip, motivate, keep focused national leaders for developing the tools necessary for church leaders to study, teach and preach the word.
We aim to have facilitators, technical experts, theological and doctrinal consultants, and finally distribution experts.
Facilitating - We aim to motivate, facilitate and equip national church leaders to develop indigenous study materials.
Partnerships - We will seek partnerships with other organization who are already working on the field.
In Short: Our goal is to do whatever it takes to equip pastors and church leaders to interpret the Bible for their people. The Bible rightly puts the responsibility on church leaders, we need to equip them in every way possible to do that.
To accomplish the goal of facilitating national church leaders to develop tools in their own languages. Nearly all Bible translations are completed by nationals in the same method and I hope in partnership with them we will come alongside to facilitate the national leaders.
Eventually I believe that a fully functioning ministry would have
35 facilitators
25 part or full time doctrinal and theological consultants
10 technical specialist
5 distribution specialist
5 Security Specialist
5 administration assistants
Total 85