

To equipping Church Leaders World Wide to Study, Disciple, Lead, and Preach The Word

until Christ returns

Resource Word's vision is to assist church leaders worldwide to develop pastoral tools or reference material(commentaries, concordance, Biblical Language tools, historical and geological tools, and more) to disciple their congregations empowering their congregations to be the Gospel of Jesus Christ in their community.

Until the 20th century, there was no organized work to translate the Bible into the languages of the people. Thankfully God raised up pioneers who were passionate about translating God's word into the languages of the world. These organizations are still going strong and focused on getting the Bible translated into all languages.

Some might argue that there is no need for study materials, I answer that in the podcast. In English, there is a mountain of materials, good and bad, for studying the Bible, but around the world this is not the same story. Where their are Bibles there are very few indigenous tools to study Gods word.

The Pastors Tale might shed some light on what it is like for most pastors and church leaders around the world.

Bible Translation Status

  • Complete Bibles 683+,

  • New Testaments +1534

  • Portions of the Bible 1133

= 3350 languages with some scripture

Pastoral Biblical Study Resource Availability

English - More than Adequate(possibly oversaturation)

Major European languages/cultures- Possibly Acceptable, many need work, no known research

Non - European Languages/cultures - Nearly all need work, no known research